Female Fertility Protection

What is cryopreservation of Oocytes?

This method procedure consists on rapidly cooling the harvested oocytes to a temperature of -196 ° C, which prevents the formation of ice crystals, responsible for damaging the cell after defrosting.

For this, it is necessary to perform ovarian stimulation and follicular puncture.

This may be an option for preserving fertility in cancer patients who will undergo chemotherapy treatments, which can deplete the follicular reserve.

The vitrification of oocytes may still be used in women who, undergoing IVF or ICSI treatments, achieve a high number of good quality oocytes but do not intend to cryopreserve embryos, or in healthy women who, for any reason, wish to delay maternity .

Ideally, this technique should be performed before the age of 35 years.