The spermogram is the microscopic and biochemical analysis of the sperm, which allows to evaluate the concentration, mobility and morphology of spermatozoa.
To evaluate the male factor is always included a sperm analysis to determine the amount of sperm (concentration), as well as the quality of the respective movement (mobility) and the shape (morphology) of the same. The presence of more than 15 million spermatozoa per milliliter of sperm, with a minimum of 32% of mobile and progressive forms, and at least 4% of the normal forms is accepted as normal.
An abnormal result may show several changes:
- Azoospermia: Absence of spermatozoa
- Oligozoospermia: Decrease in quantity
- Astenozoospermia: Decreased mobility
- Teratozoospermia: Decrease of normal forms
- Necrozoospermia: Decreased living forms
When the results of the spermogram show moderate to severe changes, it is essential that the couple’s male member is evaluated in an Andrology Consultation, in order to research and, whenever possible, treat the cause of these changes.