
Infertility is increasing in developed countries. This can be attributed to factors related to the current lifestyle, such as:

– pregnancies planned for later ages;

– precocious sexual relationships and with higher number of partners, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections;

– increased prevalence of obesity or low weight;

– smoking;

– professional stress;

– exposure to environmental pollutants (pesticides, plastics).


It is estimated that 10-15% of couples who have regular and unprotected sex cannot conceive after one year.


The causes of Infertility are multiple, and we frequently find more than one responsible factor. This way, a complete study of the couple is fundamental so that the appropriate treatment can be carried out.

Generally speaking, in about 1/3 of the cases the cause of infertility is female, 1/3 is male, and the remaining 1/3 is mixed.